R: Resource management

This section contains rules related to resources. A resource is anything that must be acquired and (explicitly or implicitly) released, such as memory, file handles, sockets, and locks. The reason it must be released is typically that it can be in short supply, so even delayed release might do harm. The fundamental aim is to ensure that we don't leak any resources and that we don't hold a resource longer than we need to. An entity that is responsible for releasing a resource is called an owner.

There are a few cases where leaks can be acceptable or even optimal: If you are writing a program that simply produces an output based on an input and the amount of memory needed is proportional to the size of the input, the optimal strategy (for performance and ease of programming) is sometimes simply never to delete anything. If you have enough memory to handle your largest input, leak away, but be sure to give a good error message if you are wrong. Here, we ignore such cases.

R.1: Manage resources automatically using resource handles and RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization)


To avoid leaks and the complexity of manual resource management. C++'s language-enforced constructor/destructor symmetry mirrors the symmetry inherent in resource acquire/release function pairs such as fopen/fclose, lock/unlock, and new/delete. Whenever you deal with a resource that needs paired acquire/release function calls, encapsulate that resource in an object that enforces pairing for you -- acquire the resource in its constructor, and release it in its destructor.

Example, bad


void send(X* x, string_view destination)
auto port = open_port(destination);
// ...
send(port, x);
// ...
delete x;

In this code, you have to remember to unlock, close_port, and delete on all paths, and do each exactly once. Further, if any of the code marked ... throws an exception, then x is leaked and my_mutex remains locked.



void send(unique_ptr<X> x, string_view destination) // x owns the X
Port port{destination}; // port owns the PortHandle
lock_guard<mutex> guard{my_mutex}; // guard owns the lock
// ...
send(port, x);
// ...
} // automatically unlocks my_mutex and deletes the pointer in x

Now all resource cleanup is automatic, performed once on all paths whether or not there is an exception. As a bonus, the function now advertises that it takes over ownership of the pointer.

What is Port? A handy wrapper that encapsulates the resource:

class Port {
PortHandle port;
Port(string_view destination) : port{open_port(destination)} { }
~Port() { close_port(port); }
operator PortHandle() { return port; }
// port handles can't usually be cloned, so disable copying and assignment if necessary
Port(const Port&) = delete;
Port& operator=(const Port&) = delete;

Where a resource is "ill-behaved" in that it isn't represented as a class with a destructor, wrap it in a class or use (finally)

See also: (RAII)

R.2: In interfaces, use raw pointers to denote individual objects (only)


Arrays are best represented by a container type (e.g., vector (owning)) or a span (non-owning). Such containers and views hold sufficient information to do range checking.

Example, bad
void f(int* p, int n) // n is the number of elements in p[]
// ...
p[2] = 7; // bad: subscript raw pointer
// ...

The compiler does not read comments, and without reading other code you do not know whether p really points to n elements. Use a span instead.

void g(int* p, int fmt) // print *p using format #fmt
// ... uses *p and p[0] only ...

C-style strings are passed as single pointers to a zero-terminated sequence of characters. Use zstring rather than char* to indicate that you rely on that convention.


Many current uses of pointers to a single element could be references. However, where nullptr is a possible value, a reference might not be a reasonable alternative.

  • Flag pointer arithmetic (including ++) on a pointer that is not part of a container, view, or iterator. This rule would generate a huge number of false positives if applied to an older code base.
  • Flag array names passed as simple pointers

R.3: A raw pointer (a T*) is non-owning


There is nothing (in the C++ standard or in most code) to say otherwise and most raw pointers are non-owning. We want owning pointers identified so that we can reliably and efficiently delete the objects pointed to by owning pointers.

void f()
int* p1 = new int{7}; // bad: raw owning pointer
auto p2 = make_unique<int>(7); // OK: the int is owned by a unique pointer
// ...

The unique_ptr protects against leaks by guaranteeing the deletion of its object (even in the presence of exceptions). The T* does not.

template<typename T>
class X {
T* p; // bad: it is unclear whether p is owning or not
T* q; // bad: it is unclear whether q is owning or not
// ...

We can fix that problem by making ownership explicit:

template<typename T>
class X2 {
owner<T*> p; // OK: p is owning
T* q; // OK: q is not owning
// ...

A major class of exception is legacy code, especially code that must remain compilable as C or interface with C and C-style C++ through ABIs. The fact that there are billions of lines of code that violate this rule against owning T*s cannot be ignored. We'd love to see program transformation tools turning 20-year-old "legacy" code into shiny modern code, we encourage the development, deployment and use of such tools, we hope the guidelines will help the development of such tools, and we even contributed (and contribute) to the research and development in this area. However, it will take time: "legacy code" is generated faster than we can renovate old code, and so it will be for a few years.

This code cannot all be rewritten (even assuming good code transformation software), especially not soon. This problem cannot be solved (at scale) by transforming all owning pointers to unique_ptrs and shared_ptrs, partly because we need/use owning "raw pointers" as well as simple pointers in the implementation of our fundamental resource handles. For example, common vector implementations have one owning pointer and two non-owning pointers. Many ABIs (and essentially all interfaces to C code) use T*s, some of them owning. Some interfaces cannot be simply annotated with owner because they need to remain compilable as C (although this would be a rare good use for a macro, that expands to owner in C++ mode only).


owner<T*> has no default semantics beyond T*. It can be used without changing any code using it and without affecting ABIs. It is simply an indicator to programmers and analysis tools. For example, if an owner<T*> is a member of a class, that class better have a destructor that deletes it.

Example, bad

Returning a (raw) pointer imposes a lifetime management uncertainty on the caller; that is, who deletes the pointed-to object?

Gadget* make_gadget(int n)
auto p = new Gadget{n};
// ...
return p;
void caller(int n)
auto p = make_gadget(n); // remember to delete p
// ...
delete p;

In addition to suffering from the problem from (leak, this adds a spurious allocation and deallocation operation, and is needlessly verbose. If Gadget is cheap to move out of a function (i.e., is small or has an efficient move operation), just return it "by value" (see "out" return values)):

Gadget make_gadget(int n)
Gadget g{n};
// ...
return g;

This rule applies to factory functions.


If pointer semantics are required (e.g., because the return type needs to refer to a base class of a class hierarchy (an interface)), return a "smart pointer."

  • (Simple) Warn on delete of a raw pointer that is not an owner<T>.
  • (Moderate) Warn on failure to either reset or explicitly delete an owner<T> pointer on every code path.
  • (Simple) Warn if the return value of new is assigned to a raw pointer.
  • (Simple) Warn if a function returns an object that was allocated within the function but has a move constructor. Suggest considering returning it by value instead.

R.4: A raw reference (a T&) is non-owning


There is nothing (in the C++ standard or in most code) to say otherwise and most raw references are non-owning. We want owners identified so that we can reliably and efficiently delete the objects pointed to by owning pointers.

void f()
int& r = *new int{7}; // bad: raw owning reference
// ...
delete &r; // bad: violated the rule against deleting raw pointers

See also: (The raw pointer rule)


See (the raw pointer rule)

R.5: Prefer scoped objects, don't heap-allocate unnecessarily


A scoped object is a local object, a global object, or a member. This implies that there is no separate allocation and deallocation cost in excess of that already used for the containing scope or object. The members of a scoped object are themselves scoped and the scoped object's constructor and destructor manage the members' lifetimes.


The following example is inefficient (because it has unnecessary allocation and deallocation), vulnerable to exception throws and returns in the ... part (leading to leaks), and verbose:

void f(int n)
auto p = new Gadget{n};
// ...
delete p;

Instead, use a local variable:

void f(int n)
Gadget g{n};
// ...
  • (Moderate) Warn if an object is allocated and then deallocated on all paths within a function. Suggest it should be a local auto stack object instead.
  • (Simple) Warn if a local Unique_pointer or Shared_pointer is not moved, copied, reassigned or reset before its lifetime ends.

R.6: Avoid non-const global variables

See (I.2)

R.alloc: Allocation and deallocation

R.10: Avoid malloc() and free()


malloc() and free() do not support construction and destruction, and do not mix well with new and delete.

class Record {
int id;
string name;
// ...
void use()
// p1 might be nullptr
// *p1 is not initialized; in particular,
// that string isn't a string, but a string-sized bag of bits
Record* p1 = static_cast<Record*>(malloc(sizeof(Record)));
auto p2 = new Record;
// unless an exception is thrown, *p2 is default initialized
auto p3 = new(nothrow) Record;
// p3 might be nullptr; if not, *p3 is default initialized
// ...
delete p1; // error: cannot delete object allocated by malloc()
free(p2); // error: cannot free() object allocated by new

In some implementations that delete and that free() might work, or maybe they will cause run-time errors.


There are applications and sections of code where exceptions are not acceptable. Some of the best such examples are in life-critical hard-real-time code. Beware that many bans on exception use are based on superstition (bad) or by concerns for older code bases with unsystematic resource management (unfortunately, but sometimes necessary). In such cases, consider the nothrow versions of new.


Flag explicit use of malloc and free.

R.11: Avoid calling new and delete explicitly


The pointer returned by new should belong to a resource handle (that can call delete). If the pointer returned by new is assigned to a plain/naked pointer, the object can be leaked.


In a large program, a naked delete (that is a delete in application code, rather than part of code devoted to resource management) is a likely bug: if you have N deletes, how can you be certain that you don't need N+1 or N-1? The bug might be latent: it might emerge only during maintenance. If you have a naked new, you probably need a naked delete somewhere, so you probably have a bug.


(Simple) Warn on any explicit use of new and delete. Suggest using make_unique instead.

R.12: Immediately give the result of an explicit resource allocation to a manager object


If you don't, an exception or a return might lead to a leak.

Example, bad
void f(const string& name)
FILE* f = fopen(name, "r"); // open the file
vector<char> buf(1024);
auto _ = finally([f] { fclose(f); }); // remember to close the file
// ...

The allocation of buf might fail and leak the file handle.

void f(const string& name)
ifstream f{name}; // open the file
vector<char> buf(1024);
// ...

The use of the file handle (in ifstream) is simple, efficient, and safe.

  • Flag explicit allocations used to initialize pointers (problem: how many direct resource allocations can we recognize?)

R.13: Perform at most one explicit resource allocation in a single expression statement


If you perform two explicit resource allocations in one statement, you could leak resources because the order of evaluation of many subexpressions, including function arguments, is unspecified.

void fun(shared_ptr<Widget> sp1, shared_ptr<Widget> sp2);

This fun can be called like this:

// BAD: potential leak
fun(shared_ptr<Widget>(new Widget(a, b)), shared_ptr<Widget>(new Widget(c, d)));

This is exception-unsafe because the compiler might reorder the two expressions building the function's two arguments. In particular, the compiler can interleave execution of the two expressions: Memory allocation (by calling operator new) could be done first for both objects, followed by attempts to call the two Widget constructors. If one of the constructor calls throws an exception, then the other object's memory will never be released!

This subtle problem has a simple solution: Never perform more than one explicit resource allocation in a single expression statement. For example:

shared_ptr<Widget> sp1(new Widget(a, b)); // Better, but messy
fun(sp1, new Widget(c, d));

The best solution is to avoid explicit allocation entirely use factory functions that return owning objects:

fun(make_shared<Widget>(a, b), make_shared<Widget>(c, d)); // Best

Write your own factory wrapper if there is not one already.

  • Flag expressions with multiple explicit resource allocations (problem: how many direct resource allocations can we recognize?)

R.14: Avoid [] parameters, prefer span


An array decays to a pointer, thereby losing its size, opening the opportunity for range errors. Use span to preserve size information.

void f(int[]); // not recommended
void f(int*); // not recommended for multiple objects
// (a pointer should point to a single object, do not subscript)
void f(gsl::span<int>); // good, recommended

Flag [] parameters. Use span instead.

R.15: Always overload matched allocation/deallocation pairs


Otherwise you get mismatched operations and chaos.

class X {
// ...
void* operator new(size_t s);
void operator delete(void*);
// ...

If you want memory that cannot be deallocated, =delete the deallocation operation. Don't leave it undeclared.


Flag incomplete pairs.

R.smart: Smart pointers

R.20: Use unique_ptr or shared_ptr to represent ownership


They can prevent resource leaks.



void f()
X x;
X* p1 { new X }; // see also ???
unique_ptr<X> p2 { new X }; // unique ownership; see also ???
shared_ptr<X> p3 { new X }; // shared ownership; see also ???
auto p4 = make_unique<X>(); // unique_ownership, preferable to the explicit use "new"
auto p5 = make_shared<X>(); // shared ownership, preferable to the explicit use "new"

This will leak the object used to initialize p1 (only).


(Simple) Warn if the return value of new or a function call with return value of pointer type is assigned to a raw pointer.

R.21: Prefer unique_ptr over shared_ptr unless you need to share ownership


A unique_ptr is conceptually simpler and more predictable (you know when destruction happens) and faster (you don't implicitly maintain a use count).

Example, bad

This needlessly adds and maintains a reference count.

void f()
shared_ptr<Base> base = make_shared<Derived>();
// use base locally, without copying it -- refcount never exceeds 1
} // destroy base

This is more efficient:

void f()
unique_ptr<Base> base = make_unique<Derived>();
// use base locally
} // destroy base

(Simple) Warn if a function uses a Shared_pointer with an object allocated within the function, but never returns the Shared_pointer or passes it to a function requiring a Shared_pointer&. Suggest using unique_ptr instead.

R.22: Use make_shared() to make shared_ptrs


make_shared gives a more concise statement of the construction. It also gives an opportunity to eliminate a separate allocation for the reference counts, by placing the shared_ptr's use counts next to its object.



shared_ptr<X> p1 { new X{2} }; // bad
auto p = make_shared<X>(2); // good

The make_shared() version mentions X only once, so it is usually shorter (as well as faster) than the version with the explicit new.


(Simple) Warn if a shared_ptr is constructed from the result of new rather than make_shared.

R.23: Use make_unique() to make unique_ptrs


make_unique gives a more concise statement of the construction. It also ensures exception safety in complex expressions.

unique_ptr<Foo> p {new Foo{7}}; // OK: but repetitive
auto q = make_unique<Foo>(7); // Better: no repetition of Foo

(Simple) Warn if a unique_ptr is constructed from the result of new rather than make_unique.

R.24: Use std::weak_ptr to break cycles of shared_ptrs


shared_ptr's rely on use counting and the use count for a cyclic structure never goes to zero, so we need a mechanism to be able to destroy a cyclic structure.

#include <memory>
class bar;
class foo {
explicit foo(const std::shared_ptr<bar>& forward_reference)
: forward_reference_(forward_reference)
{ }
std::shared_ptr<bar> forward_reference_;
class bar {
explicit bar(const std::weak_ptr<foo>& back_reference)
: back_reference_(back_reference)
{ }
void do_something()
if (auto shared_back_reference = back_reference_.lock()) {
// Use *shared_back_reference
std::weak_ptr<foo> back_reference_;

??? (HS: A lot of people say "to break cycles", while I think "temporary shared ownership" is more to the point.) ???(BS: breaking cycles is what you must do; temporarily sharing ownership is how you do it. You could "temporarily share ownership" simply by using another shared_ptr.)


??? probably impossible. If we could statically detect cycles, we wouldn't need weak_ptr

R.30: Take smart pointers as parameters only to explicitly express lifetime semantics

See (F.7).

R.31: If you have non-std smart pointers, follow the basic pattern from std


The rules in the following section also work for other kinds of third-party and custom smart pointers and are very useful for diagnosing common smart pointer errors that cause performance and correctness problems. You want the rules to work on all the smart pointers you use.

Any type (including primary template or specialization) that overloads unary * and -> is considered a smart pointer:

  • If it is copyable, it is recognized as a reference-counted shared_ptr.
  • If it is not copyable, it is recognized as a unique unique_ptr.
Example, bad
// use Boost's intrusive_ptr
#include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
void f(boost::intrusive_ptr<widget> p) // error under rule 'sharedptrparam'
// use Microsoft's CComPtr
#include <atlbase.h>
void f(CComPtr<widget> p) // error under rule 'sharedptrparam'

Both cases are an error under the (sharedptrparam guideline): p is a Shared_pointer, but nothing about its sharedness is used here and passing it by value is a silent pessimization; these functions should accept a smart pointer only if they need to participate in the widget's lifetime management. Otherwise they should accept a widget*, if it can be nullptr. Otherwise, and ideally, the function should accept a widget&. These smart pointers match the Shared_pointer concept, so these guideline enforcement rules work on them out of the box and expose this common pessimization.

R.32: Take a unique_ptr<widget> parameter to express that a function assumes ownership of a widget


Using unique_ptr in this way both documents and enforces the function call's ownership transfer.

void sink(unique_ptr<widget>); // takes ownership of the widget
void uses(widget*); // just uses the widget
Example, bad
void thinko(const unique_ptr<widget>&); // usually not what you want
  • (Simple) Warn if a function takes a Unique_pointer<T> parameter by lvalue reference and does not either assign to it or call reset() on it on at least one code path. Suggest taking a T* or T& instead.
  • (Simple) ((Foundation)) Warn if a function takes a Unique_pointer<T> parameter by reference to const. Suggest taking a const T* or const T& instead.

R.33: Take a unique_ptr<widget>& parameter to express that a function reseats thewidget


Using unique_ptr in this way both documents and enforces the function call's reseating semantics.


"reseat" means "making a pointer or a smart pointer refer to a different object."

void reseat(unique_ptr<widget>&); // "will" or "might" reseat pointer
Example, bad
void thinko(const unique_ptr<widget>&); // usually not what you want
  • (Simple) Warn if a function takes a Unique_pointer<T> parameter by lvalue reference and does not either assign to it or call reset() on it on at least one code path. Suggest taking a T* or T& instead.
  • (Simple) ((Foundation)) Warn if a function takes a Unique_pointer<T> parameter by reference to const. Suggest taking a const T* or const T& instead.

R.34: Take a shared_ptr<widget> parameter to express shared ownership


This makes the function's ownership sharing explicit.

Example, good
class WidgetUser
// WidgetUser will share ownership of the widget
explicit WidgetUser(std::shared_ptr<widget> w) noexcept:
m_widget{std::move(w)} {}
// ...
std::shared_ptr<widget> m_widget;
  • (Simple) Warn if a function takes a Shared_pointer<T> parameter by lvalue reference and does not either assign to it or call reset() on it on at least one code path. Suggest taking a T* or T& instead.
  • (Simple) ((Foundation)) Warn if a function takes a Shared_pointer<T> by value or by reference to const and does not copy or move it to another Shared_pointer on at least one code path. Suggest taking a T* or T& instead.
  • (Simple) ((Foundation)) Warn if a function takes a Shared_pointer<T> by rvalue reference. Suggesting taking it by value instead.

R.35: Take a shared_ptr<widget>& parameter to express that a function might reseat the shared pointer


This makes the function's reseating explicit.


"reseat" means "making a reference or a smart pointer refer to a different object."

Example, good
void ChangeWidget(std::shared_ptr<widget>& w)
// This will change the callers widget
w = std::make_shared<widget>(widget{});
  • (Simple) Warn if a function takes a Shared_pointer<T> parameter by lvalue reference and does not either assign to it or call reset() on it on at least one code path. Suggest taking a T* or T& instead.
  • (Simple) ((Foundation)) Warn if a function takes a Shared_pointer<T> by value or by reference to const and does not copy or move it to another Shared_pointer on at least one code path. Suggest taking a T* or T& instead.
  • (Simple) ((Foundation)) Warn if a function takes a Shared_pointer<T> by rvalue reference. Suggesting taking it by value instead.

R.36: Take a const shared_ptr<widget>& parameter to express that it might retain a reference count to the object ???


This makes the function's ??? explicit.

Example, good
void share(shared_ptr<widget>); // share -- "will" retain refcount
void reseat(shared_ptr<widget>&); // "might" reseat ptr
void may_share(const shared_ptr<widget>&); // "might" retain refcount
  • (Simple) Warn if a function takes a Shared_pointer<T> parameter by lvalue reference and does not either assign to it or call reset() on it on at least one code path. Suggest taking a T* or T& instead.
  • (Simple) ((Foundation)) Warn if a function takes a Shared_pointer<T> by value or by reference to const and does not copy or move it to another Shared_pointer on at least one code path. Suggest taking a T* or T& instead.
  • (Simple) ((Foundation)) Warn if a function takes a Shared_pointer<T> by rvalue reference. Suggesting taking it by value instead.

R.37: Do not pass a pointer or reference obtained from an aliased smart pointer


Violating this rule is the number one cause of losing reference counts and finding yourself with a dangling pointer. Functions should prefer to pass raw pointers and references down call chains. At the top of the call tree where you obtain the raw pointer or reference from a smart pointer that keeps the object alive. You need to be sure that the smart pointer cannot inadvertently be reset or reassigned from within the call tree below.


To do this, sometimes you need to take a local copy of a smart pointer, which firmly keeps the object alive for the duration of the function and the call tree.


Consider this code:

// global (static or heap), or aliased local ...
shared_ptr<widget> g_p = ...;
void f(widget& w)
use(w); // A
void g()
g_p = ...; // oops, if this was the last shared_ptr to that widget, destroys the widget

The following should not pass code review:

void my_code()
// BAD: passing pointer or reference obtained from a non-local smart pointer
// that could be inadvertently reset somewhere inside f or its callees
// BAD: same reason, just passing it as a "this" pointer

The fix is simple -- take a local copy of the pointer to "keep a ref count" for your call tree:

void my_code()
// cheap: 1 increment covers this entire function and all the call trees below us
auto pin = g_p;
// GOOD: passing pointer or reference obtained from a local unaliased smart pointer
// GOOD: same reason
  • (Simple) Warn if a pointer or reference obtained from a smart pointer variable (Unique_pointer or Shared_pointer) that is non-local, or that is local but potentially aliased, is used in a function call. If the smart pointer is a Shared_pointer then suggest taking a local copy of the smart pointer and obtain a pointer or reference from that instead.