I: Interfaces

An interface is a contract between two parts of a program. Precisely stating what is expected of a supplier of a service and a user of that service is essential. Having good (easy-to-understand, encouraging efficient use, not error-prone, supporting testing, etc.) interfaces is probably the most important single aspect of code organization.

Interface rule summary:

See also:

I.1: Make interfaces explicit


Correctness. Assumptions not stated in an interface are easily overlooked and hard to test.

Example, bad

Controlling the behavior of a function through a global (namespace scope) variable (a call mode) is implicit and potentially confusing. For example:

int round(double d)
return (round_up) ? ceil(d) : d; // don't: "invisible" dependency

It will not be obvious to a caller that the meaning of two calls of round(7.2) might give different results.


Sometimes we control the details of a set of operations by an environment variable, e.g., normal vs. verbose output or debug vs. optimized. The use of a non-local control is potentially confusing, but controls only implementation details of otherwise fixed semantics.

Example, bad

Reporting through non-local variables (e.g., errno) is easily ignored. For example:

// don't: no test of printf's return value
fprintf(connection, "logging: %d %d %d\n", x, y, s);

What if the connection goes down so that no logging output is produced? See I.???.

Alternative: Throw an exception. An exception cannot be ignored.

Alternative formulation: Avoid passing information across an interface through non-local or implicit state. Note that non-const member functions pass information to other member functions through their object's state.

Alternative formulation: An interface should be a function or a set of functions. Functions can be function templates and sets of functions can be classes or class templates.

  • (Simple) A function should not make control-flow decisions based on the values of variables declared at namespace scope.
  • (Simple) A function should not write to variables declared at namespace scope.

I.2: Avoid non-const global variables


Non-const global variables hide dependencies and make the dependencies subject to unpredictable changes.

struct Data {
// ... lots of stuff ...
} data; // non-const data
void compute() // don't
// ... use data ...
void output() // don't
// ... use data ...

Who else might modify data?

Warning: The initialization of global objects is not totally ordered. If you use a global object initialize it with a constant. Note that it is possible to get undefined initialization order even for const objects.


A global object is often better than a singleton.


Global constants are useful.


The rule against global variables applies to namespace scope variables as well.

Alternative: If you use global (more generally namespace scope) data to avoid copying, consider passing the data as an object by reference to const. Another solution is to define the data as the state of some object and the operations as member functions.

Warning: Beware of data races: If one thread can access non-local data (or data passed by reference) while another thread executes the callee, we can have a data race. Every pointer or reference to mutable data is a potential data race.

Using global pointers or references to access and change non-const, and otherwise non-global, data isn't a better alternative to non-const global variables since that doesn't solve the issues of hidden dependencies or potential race conditions.


You cannot have a race condition on immutable data.

References: See the (rules for calling functions).


The rule is "avoid", not "don't use." Of course there will be (rare) exceptions, such as cin, cout, and cerr.


(Simple) Report all non-const variables declared at namespace scope and global pointers/references to non-const data.

I.3: Avoid singletons


Singletons are basically complicated global objects in disguise.

class Singleton {
// ... lots of stuff to ensure that only one Singleton object is created,
// that it is initialized properly, etc.

There are many variants of the singleton idea. That's part of the problem.


If you don't want a global object to change, declare it const or constexpr.


You can use the simplest "singleton" (so simple that it is often not considered a singleton) to get initialization on first use, if any:

X& myX()
static X my_x {3};
return my_x;

This is one of the most effective solutions to problems related to initialization order. In a multi-threaded environment, the initialization of the static object does not introduce a race condition (unless you carelessly access a shared object from within its constructor).

Note that the initialization of a local static does not imply a race condition. However, if the destruction of X involves an operation that needs to be synchronized we must use a less simple solution. For example:

X& myX()
static auto p = new X {3};
return *p; // potential leak

Now someone must delete that object in some suitably thread-safe way. That's error-prone, so we don't use that technique unless

  • myX is in multi-threaded code,
  • that X object needs to be destroyed (e.g., because it releases a resource), and
  • X's destructor's code needs to be synchronized.

If you, as many do, define a singleton as a class for which only one object is created, functions like myX are not singletons, and this useful technique is not an exception to the no-singleton rule.


Very hard in general.

  • Look for classes with names that include singleton.
  • Look for classes for which only a single object is created (by counting objects or by examining constructors).
  • If a class X has a public static function that contains a function-local static of the class' type X and returns a pointer or reference to it, ban that.

I.4: Make interfaces precisely and strongly typed


Types are the simplest and best documentation, improve legibility due to their well-defined meaning, and are checked at compile time. Also, precisely typed code is often optimized better.

Example, don't


void pass(void* data); // weak and under qualified type void* is suspicious

Callers are unsure what types are allowed and if the data may be mutated as const is not specified. Note all pointer types implicitly convert to void*, so it is easy for callers to provide this value.

The callee must static_cast data to an unverified type to use it. That is error-prone and verbose.

Only use const void* for passing in data in designs that are indescribable in C++. Consider using a variant or a pointer to base instead.

Alternative: Often, a template parameter can eliminate the void* turning it into a T* or T&. For generic code these Ts can be general or concept constrained template parameters.

Example, bad


draw_rect(100, 200, 100, 500); // what do the numbers specify?
draw_rect(p.x, p.y, 10, 20); // what units are 10 and 20 in?

It is clear that the caller is describing a rectangle, but it is unclear what parts they relate to. Also, an int can carry arbitrary forms of information, including values of many units, so we must guess about the meaning of the four ints. Most likely, the first two are an x,y coordinate pair, but what are the last two?

Comments and parameter names can help, but we could be explicit:

void draw_rectangle(Point top_left, Point bottom_right);
void draw_rectangle(Point top_left, Size height_width);
draw_rectangle(p, Point{10, 20}); // two corners
draw_rectangle(p, Size{10, 20}); // one corner and a (height, width) pair

Obviously, we cannot catch all errors through the static type system (e.g., the fact that a first argument is supposed to be a top-left point is left to convention (naming and comments)).

Example, bad


set_settings(true, false, 42); // what do the numbers specify?

The parameter types and their values do not communicate what settings are being specified or what those values mean.

This design is more explicit, safe and legible:

alarm_settings s{};
s.enabled = true;
s.displayMode = alarm_settings::mode::spinning_light;
s.frequency = alarm_settings::every_10_seconds;

For the case of a set of boolean values consider using a flags enum; a pattern that expresses a set of boolean values.

enable_lamp_options(lamp_option::on | lamp_option::animate_state_transitions);
Example, bad

In the following example, it is not clear from the interface what time_to_blink means: Seconds? Milliseconds?

void blink_led(int time_to_blink) // bad -- the unit is ambiguous
// ...
// do something with time_to_blink
// ...
void use()
Example, good

std::chrono::duration types helps making the unit of time duration explicit.

void blink_led(milliseconds time_to_blink) // good -- the unit is explicit
// ...
// do something with time_to_blink
// ...
void use()

The function can also be written in such a way that it will accept any time duration unit.

template<class rep, class period>
void blink_led(duration<rep, period> time_to_blink) // good -- accepts any unit
// assuming that millisecond is the smallest relevant unit
auto milliseconds_to_blink = duration_cast<milliseconds>(time_to_blink);
// ...
// do something with milliseconds_to_blink
// ...
void use()
  • (Simple) Report the use of void* as a parameter or return type.
  • (Simple) Report the use of more than one bool parameter.
  • (Hard to do well) Look for functions that use too many primitive type arguments.

I.5: State preconditions (if any)


Arguments have meaning that might constrain their proper use in the callee.



double sqrt(double x);

Here x must be non-negative. The type system cannot (easily and naturally) express that, so we must use other means. For example:

double sqrt(double x); // x must be non-negative

Some preconditions can be expressed as assertions. For example:

double sqrt(double x) { Expects(x >= 0); /* ... */ }

Ideally, that Expects(x >= 0) should be part of the interface of sqrt() but that's not easily done. For now, we place it in the definition (function body).

References: Expects() is described in (GSL).


Prefer a formal specification of requirements, such as Expects(p);. If that is infeasible, use English text in comments, such as // the sequence [p:q) is ordered using <.


Most member functions have as a precondition that some class invariant holds. That invariant is established by a constructor and must be reestablished upon exit by every member function called from outside the class. We don't need to mention it for each member function.


(Not enforceable)

See also: The rules for passing pointers. ???

I.6: Prefer Expects() for expressing preconditions


To make it clear that the condition is a precondition and to enable tool use.

int area(int height, int width)
Expects(height > 0 && width > 0); // good
if (height <= 0 || width <= 0) my_error(); // obscure
// ...

Preconditions can be stated in many ways, including comments, if-statements, and assert(). This can make them hard to distinguish from ordinary code, hard to update, hard to manipulate by tools, and might have the wrong semantics (do you always want to abort in debug mode and check nothing in productions runs?).


Preconditions should be part of the interface rather than part of the implementation, but we don't yet have the language facilities to do that. Once language support becomes available (e.g., see the contract proposal) we will adopt the standard version of preconditions, postconditions, and assertions.


Expects() can also be used to check a condition in the middle of an algorithm.


No, using unsigned is not a good way to sidestep the problem of (ensuring that a value is non-negative).


(Not enforceable) Finding the variety of ways preconditions can be asserted is not feasible. Warning about those that can be easily identified (assert()) has questionable value in the absence of a language facility.

I.7: State postconditions


To detect misunderstandings about the result and possibly catch erroneous implementations.

Example, bad


int area(int height, int width) { return height * width; } // bad

Here, we (incautiously) left out the precondition specification, so it is not explicit that height and width must be positive. We also left out the postcondition specification, so it is not obvious that the algorithm (height * width) is wrong for areas larger than the largest integer. Overflow can happen. Consider using:

int area(int height, int width)
auto res = height * width;
Ensures(res > 0);
return res;
Example, bad

Consider a famous security bug:

void f() // problematic
char buffer[MAX];
// ...
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));

There was no postcondition stating that the buffer should be cleared and the optimizer eliminated the apparently redundant memset() call:

void f() // better
char buffer[MAX];
// ...
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
Ensures(buffer[0] == 0);

Postconditions are often informally stated in a comment that states the purpose of a function; Ensures() can be used to make this more systematic, visible, and checkable.


Postconditions are especially important when they relate to something that is not directly reflected in a returned result, such as a state of a data structure used.


Consider a function that manipulates a Record, using a mutex to avoid race conditions:

mutex m;
void manipulate(Record& r) // don't
// ... no m.unlock() ...

Here, we "forgot" to state that the mutex should be released, so we don't know if the failure to ensure release of the mutex was a bug or a feature. Stating the postcondition would have made it clear:

void manipulate(Record& r) // postcondition: m is unlocked upon exit
// ... no m.unlock() ...

The bug is now obvious (but only to a human reading comments).

Better still, use (RAII) to ensure that the postcondition ("the lock must be released") is enforced in code:

void manipulate(Record& r) // best
lock_guard<mutex> _ {m};
// ...

Ideally, postconditions are stated in the interface/declaration so that users can easily see them. Only postconditions related to the users can be stated in the interface. Postconditions related only to internal state belongs in the definition/implementation.


(Not enforceable) This is a philosophical guideline that is infeasible to check directly in the general case. Domain specific checkers (like lock-holding checkers) exist for many toolchains.

I.8: Prefer Ensures() for expressing postconditions


To make it clear that the condition is a postcondition and to enable tool use.

void f()
char buffer[MAX];
// ...
memset(buffer, 0, MAX);
Ensures(buffer[0] == 0);

Postconditions can be stated in many ways, including comments, if-statements, and assert(). This can make them hard to distinguish from ordinary code, hard to update, hard to manipulate by tools, and might have the wrong semantics.

Alternative: Postconditions of the form "this resource must be released" are best expressed by (RAII).


Ideally, that Ensures should be part of the interface, but that's not easily done. For now, we place it in the definition (function body). Once language support becomes available (e.g., see the contract proposal) we will adopt the standard version of preconditions, postconditions, and assertions.


(Not enforceable) Finding the variety of ways postconditions can be asserted is not feasible. Warning about those that can be easily identified (assert()) has questionable value in the absence of a language facility.

I.9: If an interface is a template, document its parameters using concepts


Make the interface precisely specified and compile-time checkable in the (not so distant) future.


Use the C++20 style of requirements specification. For example:

template<typename Iter, typename Val>
requires input_iterator<Iter> && equality_comparable_with<iter_value_t<Iter>, Val>
Iter find(Iter first, Iter last, Val v)
// ...

See also: ((Generic programming) and concepts).


Warn if any non-variadic template parameter is not constrained by a concept (in its declaration or mentioned in a requires clause).

I.10: Use exceptions to signal a failure to perform a required task


It should not be possible to ignore an error because that could leave the system or a computation in an undefined (or unexpected) state. This is a major source of errors.

int printf(const char* ...); // bad: return negative number if output fails
template<class F, class ...Args>
// good: throw system_error if unable to start the new thread
explicit thread(F&& f, Args&&... args);

What is an error?

An error means that the function cannot achieve its advertised purpose (including establishing postconditions). Calling code that ignores an error could lead to wrong results or undefined systems state. For example, not being able to connect to a remote server is not by itself an error: the server can refuse a connection for all kinds of reasons, so the natural thing is to return a result that the caller should always check. However, if failing to make a connection is considered an error, then a failure should throw an exception.


Many traditional interface functions (e.g., UNIX signal handlers) use error codes (e.g., errno) to report what are really status codes, rather than errors. You don't have a good alternative to using such, so calling these does not violate the rule.


If you can't use exceptions (e.g., because your code is full of old-style raw-pointer use or because there are hard-real-time constraints), consider using a style that returns a pair of values:

int val;
int error_code;
tie(val, error_code) = do_something();
if (error_code) {
// ... handle the error or exit ...
// ... use val ...

This style unfortunately leads to uninitialized variables. Since C++17 the "structured bindings" feature can be used to initialize variables directly from the return value:

auto [val, error_code] = do_something();
if (error_code) {
// ... handle the error or exit ...
// ... use val ...

We don't consider "performance" a valid reason not to use exceptions.

  • Often, explicit error checking and handling consume as much time and space as exception handling.
  • Often, cleaner code yields better performance with exceptions (simplifying the tracing of paths through the program and their optimization).
  • A good rule for performance critical code is to move checking outside the (critical) part of the code.
  • In the longer term, more regular code gets better optimized.
  • Always carefully (measure) before making performance claims.

See also: ((I.5) and I.7) for reporting precondition and postcondition violations.

  • (Not enforceable) This is a philosophical guideline that is infeasible to check directly.
  • Look for errno.

I.11: Never transfer ownership by a raw pointer (T*) or reference (T&)


If there is any doubt whether the caller or the callee owns an object, leaks or premature destruction will occur.



X* compute(args) // don't
X* res = new X{};
// ...
return res;

Who deletes the returned X? The problem would be harder to spot if compute returned a reference. Consider returning the result by value (use move semantics if the result is large):

vector<double> compute(args) // good
vector<double> res(10000);
// ...
return res;

Alternative: (Pass ownership) using a "smart pointer", such as unique_ptr (for exclusive ownership) and shared_ptr (for shared ownership). However, that is less elegant and often less efficient than returning the object itself, so use smart pointers only if reference semantics are needed.

Alternative: Sometimes older code can't be modified because of ABI compatibility requirements or lack of resources. In that case, mark owning pointers using owner from the (guidelines support library):

owner<X*> compute(args) // It is now clear that ownership is transferred
owner<X*> res = new X{};
// ...
return res;

This tells analysis tools that res is an owner. That is, its value must be deleted or transferred to another owner, as is done here by the return.

owner is used similarly in the implementation of resource handles.


Every object passed as a raw pointer (or iterator) is assumed to be owned by the caller, so that its lifetime is handled by the caller. Viewed another way: ownership transferring APIs are relatively rare compared to pointer-passing APIs, so the default is "no ownership transfer."

See also: (((Argument passing), use of smart pointer arguments), and value return).

  • (Simple) Warn on delete of a raw pointer that is not an owner<T>. Suggest use of standard-library resource handle or use of owner<T>.
  • (Simple) Warn on failure to either reset or explicitly delete an owner pointer on every code path.
  • (Simple) Warn if the return value of new or a function call with an owner return value is assigned to a raw pointer or non-owner reference.

I.12: Declare a pointer that must not be null as not_null


To help avoid dereferencing nullptr errors. To improve performance by avoiding redundant checks for nullptr.

int length(const char* p); // it is not clear whether length(nullptr) is valid
length(nullptr); // OK?
int length(not_null<const char*> p); // better: we can assume that p cannot be nullptr
int length(const char* p); // we must assume that p can be nullptr

By stating the intent in source, implementers and tools can provide better diagnostics, such as finding some classes of errors through static analysis, and perform optimizations, such as removing branches and null tests.


not_null is defined in the (guidelines support library).


The assumption that the pointer to char pointed to a C-style string (a zero-terminated string of characters) was still implicit, and a potential source of confusion and errors. Use czstring in preference to const char*.

// we can assume that p cannot be nullptr
// we can assume that p points to a zero-terminated array of characters
int length(not_null<zstring> p);

Note: length() is, of course, std::strlen() in disguise.

  • (Simple) ((Foundation)) If a function checks a pointer parameter against nullptr before access, on all control-flow paths, then warn it should be declared not_null.
  • (Complex) If a function with pointer return value ensures it is not nullptr on all return paths, then warn the return type should be declared not_null.

I.13: Do not pass an array as a single pointer


(pointer, size)-style interfaces are error-prone. Also, a plain pointer (to array) must rely on some convention to allow the callee to determine the size.



void copy_n(const T* p, T* q, int n); // copy from [p:p+n) to [q:q+n)

What if there are fewer than n elements in the array pointed to by q? Then, we overwrite some probably unrelated memory. What if there are fewer than n elements in the array pointed to by p? Then, we read some probably unrelated memory. Either is undefined behavior and a potentially very nasty bug.


Consider using explicit spans:

void copy(span<const T> r, span<T> r2); // copy r to r2
Example, bad


void draw(Shape* p, int n); // poor interface; poor code
Circle arr[10];
// ...
draw(arr, 10);

Passing 10 as the n argument might be a mistake: the most common convention is to assume [0:n) but that is nowhere stated. Worse is that the call of draw() compiled at all: there was an implicit conversion from array to pointer (array decay) and then another implicit conversion from Circle to Shape. There is no way that draw() can safely iterate through that array: it has no way of knowing the size of the elements.

Alternative: Use a support class that ensures that the number of elements is correct and prevents dangerous implicit conversions. For example:

void draw2(span<Circle>);
Circle arr[10];
// ...
draw2(span<Circle>(arr)); // deduce the number of elements
draw2(arr); // deduce the element type and array size
void draw3(span<Shape>);
draw3(arr); // error: cannot convert Circle[10] to span<Shape>

This draw2() passes the same amount of information to draw(), but makes the fact that it is supposed to be a range of Circles explicit. See ???.


Use zstring and czstring to represent C-style, zero-terminated strings. But when doing so, use std::string_view or span<char> from the (GSL) to prevent range errors.

  • (Simple) ((Bounds)) Warn for any expression that would rely on implicit conversion of an array type to a pointer type. Allow exception for zstring/czstring pointer types.
  • (Simple) ((Bounds)) Warn for any arithmetic operation on an expression of pointer type that results in a value of pointer type. Allow exception for zstring/czstring pointer types.

I.22: Avoid complex initialization of global objects


Complex initialization can lead to undefined order of execution.

// file1.c
extern const X x;
const Y y = f(x); // read x; write y
// file2.c
extern const Y y;
const X x = g(y); // read y; write x

Since x and y are in different translation units the order of calls to f() and g() is undefined; one will access an uninitialized const. This shows that the order-of-initialization problem for global (namespace scope) objects is not limited to global variables.


Order of initialization problems become particularly difficult to handle in concurrent code. It is usually best to avoid global (namespace scope) objects altogether.

  • Flag initializers of globals that call non-constexpr functions
  • Flag initializers of globals that access extern objects

I.23: Keep the number of function arguments low


Having many arguments opens opportunities for confusion. Passing lots of arguments is often costly compared to alternatives.


The two most common reasons why functions have too many parameters are:

  1. Missing an abstraction. There is an abstraction missing, so that a compound value is being passed as individual elements instead of as a single object that enforces an invariant. This not only expands the parameter list, but it leads to errors because the component values are no longer protected by an enforced invariant.

  2. Violating "one function, one responsibility." The function is trying to do more than one job and should probably be refactored.


The standard-library merge() is at the limit of what we can comfortably handle:

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator, class Compare>
OutputIterator merge(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
OutputIterator result, Compare comp);

Note that this is because of problem 1 above -- missing abstraction. Instead of passing a range (abstraction), STL passed iterator pairs (unencapsulated component values).

Here, we have four template arguments and six function arguments. To simplify the most frequent and simplest uses, the comparison argument can be defaulted to <:

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator merge(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2,
OutputIterator result);

This doesn't reduce the total complexity, but it reduces the surface complexity presented to many users. To really reduce the number of arguments, we need to bundle the arguments into higher-level abstractions:

template<class InputRange1, class InputRange2, class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator merge(InputRange1 r1, InputRange2 r2, OutputIterator result);

Grouping arguments into "bundles" is a general technique to reduce the number of arguments and to increase the opportunities for checking.

Alternatively, we could use a standard library concept to define the notion of three types that must be usable for merging:

template<class In1, class In2, class Out>
requires mergeable<In1, In2, Out>
Out merge(In1 r1, In2 r2, Out result);

The safety Profiles recommend replacing

void f(int* some_ints, int some_ints_length); // BAD: C style, unsafe


void f(gsl::span<int> some_ints); // GOOD: safe, bounds-checked

Here, using an abstraction has safety and robustness benefits, and naturally also reduces the number of parameters.


How many parameters are too many? Try to use fewer than four (4) parameters. There are functions that are best expressed with four individual parameters, but not many.

Alternative: Use better abstraction: Group arguments into meaningful objects and pass the objects (by value or by reference).

Alternative: Use default arguments or overloads to allow the most common forms of calls to be done with fewer arguments.

  • Warn when a function declares two iterators (including pointers) of the same type instead of a range or a view.
  • (Not enforceable) This is a philosophical guideline that is infeasible to check directly.

I.24: Avoid adjacent parameters that can be invoked by the same arguments in either order with different meaning


Adjacent arguments of the same type are easily swapped by mistake.

Example, bad


void copy_n(T* p, T* q, int n); // copy from [p:p + n) to [q:q + n)

This is a nasty variant of a K&R C-style interface. It is easy to reverse the "to" and "from" arguments.

Use const for the "from" argument:

void copy_n(const T* p, T* q, int n); // copy from [p:p + n) to [q:q + n)

If the order of the parameters is not important, there is no problem:

int max(int a, int b);

Don't pass arrays as pointers, pass an object representing a range (e.g., a span):

void copy_n(span<const T> p, span<T> q); // copy from p to q

Define a struct as the parameter type and name the fields for those parameters accordingly:

struct SystemParams {
string config_file;
string output_path;
seconds timeout;
void initialize(SystemParams p);

This tends to make invocations of this clear to future readers, as the parameters are often filled in by name at the call site.


Only the interface's designer can adequately address the source of violations of this guideline.

Enforcement strategy

(Simple) Warn if two consecutive parameters share the same type

We are still looking for a less-simple enforcement.

I.25: Prefer empty abstract classes as interfaces to class hierarchies


Abstract classes that are empty (have no non-static member data) are more likely to be stable than base classes with state.

Example, bad

You just knew that Shape would turn up somewhere :-)

class Shape { // bad: interface class loaded with data
Point center() const { return c; }
virtual void draw() const;
virtual void rotate(int);
// ...
Point c;
vector<Point> outline;
Color col;

This will force every derived class to compute a center -- even if that's non-trivial and the center is never used. Similarly, not every Shape has a Color, and many Shapes are best represented without an outline defined as a sequence of Points. Using an abstract class is better:

class Shape { // better: Shape is a pure interface
virtual Point center() const = 0; // pure virtual functions
virtual void draw() const = 0;
virtual void rotate(int) = 0;
// ...
// ... no data members ...
// ...
virtual ~Shape() = default;

(Simple) Warn if a pointer/reference to a class C is assigned to a pointer/reference to a base of C and the base class contains data members.

I.26: If you want a cross-compiler ABI, use a C-style subset


Different compilers implement different binary layouts for classes, exception handling, function names, and other implementation details.


Common ABIs are emerging on some platforms freeing you from the more draconian restrictions.


If you use a single compiler, you can use full C++ in interfaces. That might require recompilation after an upgrade to a new compiler version.


(Not enforceable) It is difficult to reliably identify where an interface forms part of an ABI.

I.27: For stable library ABI, consider the Pimpl idiom


Because private data members participate in class layout and private member functions participate in overload resolution, changes to those implementation details require recompilation of all users of a class that uses them. A non-polymorphic interface class holding a pointer to implementation (Pimpl) can isolate the users of a class from changes in its implementation at the cost of an indirection.


interface (widget.h)

class widget {
class impl;
std::unique_ptr<impl> pimpl;
void draw(); // public API that will be forwarded to the implementation
widget(int); // defined in the implementation file
~widget(); // defined in the implementation file, where impl is a complete type
widget(widget&&); // defined in the implementation file
widget(const widget&) = delete;
widget& operator=(widget&&); // defined in the implementation file
widget& operator=(const widget&) = delete;

implementation (widget.cpp)

class widget::impl {
int n; // private data
void draw(const widget& w) { /* ... */ }
impl(int n) : n(n) {}
void widget::draw() { pimpl->draw(*this); }
widget::widget(int n) : pimpl{std::make_unique<impl>(n)} {}
widget::widget(widget&&) = default;
widget::~widget() = default;
widget& widget::operator=(widget&&) = default;

See GOTW #100 and cppreference for the trade-offs and additional implementation details associated with this idiom.


(Not enforceable) It is difficult to reliably identify where an interface forms part of an ABI.

I.30: Encapsulate rule violations


To keep code simple and safe. Sometimes, ugly, unsafe, or error-prone techniques are necessary for logical or performance reasons. If so, keep them local, rather than "infecting" interfaces so that larger groups of programmers have to be aware of the subtleties. Implementation complexity should, if at all possible, not leak through interfaces into user code.


Consider a program that, depending on some form of input (e.g., arguments to main), should consume input from a file, from the command line, or from standard input. We might write

bool owned;
owner<istream*> inp;
switch (source) {
case std_in: owned = false; inp = &cin; break;
case command_line: owned = true; inp = new istringstream{argv[2]}; break;
case file: owned = true; inp = new ifstream{argv[2]}; break;
istream& in = *inp;

This violated the rule (against uninitialized variables), the rule against (ignoring ownership), and the rule (against magic constants). In particular, someone has to remember to somewhere write

if (owned) delete inp;

We could handle this particular example by using unique_ptr with a special deleter that does nothing for cin, but that's complicated for novices (who can easily encounter this problem) and the example is an example of a more general problem where a property that we would like to consider static (here, ownership) needs infrequently be addressed at run time. The common, most frequent, and safest examples can be handled statically, so we don't want to add cost and complexity to those. But we must also cope with the uncommon, less-safe, and necessarily more expensive cases. Such examples are discussed in [Str15].

So, we write a class

class Istream { [[gsl::suppress(lifetime)]]
enum Opt { from_line = 1 };
Istream() { }
Istream(zstring p) : owned{true}, inp{new ifstream{p}} {} // read from file
Istream(zstring p, Opt) : owned{true}, inp{new istringstream{p}} {} // read from command line
~Istream() { if (owned) delete inp; }
operator istream&() { return *inp; }
bool owned = false;
istream* inp = &cin;

Now, the dynamic nature of istream ownership has been encapsulated. Presumably, a bit of checking for potential errors would be added in real code.

  • Hard, it is hard to decide what rule-breaking code is essential
  • Flag rule suppression that enable rule-violations to cross interfaces