E: Error handling

Error handling involves:

  • Detecting an error
  • Transmitting information about an error to some handler code
  • Preserving a valid state of the program
  • Avoiding resource leaks

It is not possible to recover from all errors. If recovery from an error is not possible, it is important to quickly "get out" in a well-defined way. A strategy for error handling must be simple, or it becomes a source of even worse errors. Untested and rarely executed error-handling code is itself the source of many bugs.

The rules are designed to help avoid several kinds of errors:

  • Type violations (e.g., misuse of unions and casts)
  • Resource leaks (including memory leaks)
  • Bounds errors
  • Lifetime errors (e.g., accessing an object after is has been deleted)
  • Complexity errors (logical errors made likely by overly complex expression of ideas)
  • Interface errors (e.g., an unexpected value is passed through an interface)

Error-handling rule summary:

E.1: Develop an error-handling strategy early in a design


A consistent and complete strategy for handling errors and resource leaks is hard to retrofit into a system.

E.2: Throw an exception to signal that a function can't perform its assigned task


To make error handling systematic, robust, and non-repetitive.

struct Foo {
vector<Thing> v;
File_handle f;
string s;
void use()
Foo bar {{Thing{1}, Thing{2}, Thing{monkey}}, {"my_file", "r"}, "Here we go!"};
// ...

Here, vector and strings constructors might not be able to allocate sufficient memory for their elements, vectors constructor might not be able copy the Things in its initializer list, and File_handle might not be able to open the required file. In each case, they throw an exception for use()'s caller to handle. If use() could handle the failure to construct bar it can take control using try/catch. In either case, Foo's constructor correctly destroys constructed members before passing control to whatever tried to create a Foo. Note that there is no return value that could contain an error code.

The File_handle constructor might be defined like this:

File_handle::File_handle(const string& name, const string& mode)
: f{fopen(name.c_str(), mode.c_str())}
if (!f)
throw runtime_error{"File_handle: could not open " + name + " as " + mode};

It is often said that exceptions are meant to signal exceptional events and failures. However, that's a bit circular because "what is exceptional?" Examples:

  • A precondition that cannot be met
  • A constructor that cannot construct an object (failure to establish its class's (invariant))
  • An out-of-range error (e.g., v[v.size()] = 7)
  • Inability to acquire a resource (e.g., the network is down)

In contrast, termination of an ordinary loop is not exceptional. Unless the loop was meant to be infinite, termination is normal and expected.


Don't use a throw as simply an alternative way of returning a value from a function.


Some systems, such as hard-real-time systems require a guarantee that an action is taken in a (typically short) constant maximum time known before execution starts. Such systems can use exceptions only if there is tool support for accurately predicting the maximum time to recover from a throw.

See also: (RAII)

See also: (discussion)


Before deciding that you cannot afford or don't like exception-based error handling, have a look at the (alternatives); they have their own complexities and problems. Also, as far as possible, measure before making claims about efficiency.

E.3: Use exceptions for error handling only


To keep error handling separated from "ordinary code." C++ implementations tend to be optimized based on the assumption that exceptions are rare.

Example, don't
// don't: exception not used for error handling
int find_index(vector<string>& vec, const string& x)
try {
for (gsl::index i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i)
if (vec[i] == x) throw i; // found x
catch (int i) {
return i;
return -1; // not found

This is more complicated and most likely runs much slower than the obvious alternative. There is nothing exceptional about finding a value in a vector.


Would need to be heuristic. Look for exception values "leaked" out of catch clauses.

E.4: Design your error-handling strategy around invariants


To use an object it must be in a valid state (defined formally or informally by an invariant) and to recover from an error every object not destroyed must be in a valid state.


An (invariant) is a logical condition for the members of an object that a constructor must establish for the public member functions to assume.



E.5: Let a constructor establish an invariant, and throw if it cannot


Leaving an object without its invariant established is asking for trouble. Not all member functions can be called.

class Vector { // very simplified vector of doubles
// if elem != nullptr then elem points to sz doubles
Vector() : elem{nullptr}, sz{0}{}
Vector(int s) : elem{new double[s]}, sz{s} { /* initialize elements */ }
~Vector() { delete [] elem; }
double& operator[](int s) { return elem[s]; }
// ...
owner<double*> elem;
int sz;

The class invariant - here stated as a comment - is established by the constructors. new throws if it cannot allocate the required memory. The operators, notably the subscript operator, relies on the invariant.

See also: (If a constructor cannot construct a valid object, throw an exception)


Flag classes with private state without a constructor (public, protected, or private).

E.6: Use RAII to prevent leaks


Leaks are typically unacceptable. Manual resource release is error-prone. RAII ("Resource Acquisition Is Initialization") is the simplest, most systematic way of preventing leaks.

void f1(int i) // Bad: possible leak
int* p = new int[12];
// ...
if (i < 17) throw Bad{"in f()", i};
// ...

We could carefully release the resource before the throw:

void f2(int i) // Clumsy and error-prone: explicit release
int* p = new int[12];
// ...
if (i < 17) {
delete[] p;
throw Bad{"in f()", i};
// ...

This is verbose. In larger code with multiple possible throws explicit releases become repetitive and error-prone.

void f3(int i) // OK: resource management done by a handle (but see below)
auto p = make_unique<int[]>(12);
// ...
if (i < 17) throw Bad{"in f()", i};
// ...

Note that this works even when the throw is implicit because it happened in a called function:

void f4(int i) // OK: resource management done by a handle (but see below)
auto p = make_unique<int[]>(12);
// ...
helper(i); // might throw
// ...

Unless you really need pointer semantics, use a local resource object:

void f5(int i) // OK: resource management done by local object
vector<int> v(12);
// ...
helper(i); // might throw
// ...

That's even simpler and safer, and often more efficient.


If there is no obvious resource handle and for some reason defining a proper RAII object/handle is infeasible, as a last resort, cleanup actions can be represented by a (final_action) object.


But what do we do if we are writing a program where exceptions cannot be used? First challenge that assumption; there are many anti-exceptions myths around. We know of only a few good reasons:

  • We are on a system so small that the exception support would eat up most of our 2K memory.
  • We are in a hard-real-time system and we don't have tools that guarantee us that an exception is handled within the required time.
  • We are in a system with tons of legacy code using lots of pointers in difficult-to-understand ways (in particular without a recognizable ownership strategy) so that exceptions could cause leaks.
  • Our implementation of the C++ exception mechanisms is unreasonably poor (slow, memory consuming, failing to work correctly for dynamically linked libraries, etc.). Complain to your implementation purveyor; if no user complains, no improvement will happen.
  • We get fired if we challenge our manager's ancient wisdom.

Only the first of these reasons is fundamental, so whenever possible, use exceptions to implement RAII, or design your RAII objects to never fail. When exceptions cannot be used, simulate RAII. That is, systematically check that objects are valid after construction and still release all resources in the destructor. One strategy is to add a valid() operation to every resource handle:

void f()
vector<string> vs(100); // not std::vector: valid() added
if (!vs.valid()) {
// handle error or exit
ifstream fs("foo"); // not std::ifstream: valid() added
if (!fs.valid()) {
// handle error or exit
// ...
} // destructors clean up as usual

Obviously, this increases the size of the code, doesn't allow for implicit propagation of "exceptions" (valid() checks), and valid() checks can be forgotten. Prefer to use exceptions.

See also: (Use of noexcept)



E.7: State your preconditions


To avoid interface errors.

See also: (precondition rule)

E.8: State your postconditions


To avoid interface errors.

See also: (postcondition rule)

E.12: Use noexcept when exiting a function because of a throw is impossible or unacceptable


To make error handling systematic, robust, and efficient.

double compute(double d) noexcept
return log(sqrt(d <= 0 ? 1 : d));

Here, we know that compute will not throw because it is composed out of operations that don't throw. By declaring compute to be noexcept, we give the compiler and human readers information that can make it easier for them to understand and manipulate compute.


Many standard-library functions are noexcept including all the standard-library functions "inherited" from the C Standard Library.

vector<double> munge(const vector<double>& v) noexcept
vector<double> v2(v.size());
// ... do something ...

The noexcept here states that I am not willing or able to handle the situation where I cannot construct the local vector. That is, I consider memory exhaustion a serious design error (on par with hardware failures) so that I'm willing to crash the program if it happens.


Do not use traditional (exception-specifications).

See also


E.13: Never throw while being the direct owner of an object


That would be a leak.

void leak(int x) // don't: might leak
auto p = new int{7};
if (x < 0) throw Get_me_out_of_here{}; // might leak *p
// ...
delete p; // we might never get here

One way of avoiding such problems is to use resource handles consistently:

void no_leak(int x)
auto p = make_unique<int>(7);
if (x < 0) throw Get_me_out_of_here{}; // will delete *p if necessary
// ...
// no need for delete p

Another solution (often better) would be to use a local variable to eliminate explicit use of pointers:

void no_leak_simplified(int x)
vector<int> v(7);
// ...

If you have a local "thing" that requires cleanup, but is not represented by an object with a destructor, such cleanup must also be done before a throw. Sometimes, (finally()) can make such unsystematic cleanup a bit more manageable.

E.14: Use purpose-designed user-defined types as exceptions (not built-in types)


A user-defined type can better transmit information about an error to a handler. Information can be encoded into the type itself and the type is unlikely to clash with other people's exceptions.

throw 7; // bad
throw "something bad"; // bad
throw std::exception{}; // bad - no info

Deriving from std::exception gives the flexibility to catch the specific exception or handle generally through std::exception:

class MyException : public std::runtime_error
MyException(const string& msg) : std::runtime_error{msg} {}
// ...
// ...
throw MyException{"something bad"}; // good

Exceptions do not need to be derived from std::exception:

class MyCustomError final {}; // not derived from std::exception
// ...
throw MyCustomError{}; // good - handlers must catch this type (or ...)

Library types derived from std::exception can be used as generic exceptions if no useful information can be added at the point of detection:

throw std::runtime_error("someting bad"); // good
// ...
throw std::invalid_argument("i is not even"); // good

enum classes are also allowed:

enum class alert {RED, YELLOW, GREEN};
throw alert::RED; // good

Catch throw of built-in types and std::exception.

E.15: Throw by value, catch exceptions from a hierarchy by reference


Throwing by value (not by pointer) and catching by reference prevents copying, especially slicing base subobjects.

Example; bad
void f()
try {
// ...
throw new widget{}; // don't: throw by value not by raw pointer
// ...
catch (base_class e) { // don't: might slice
// ...

Instead, use a reference:

catch (base_class& e) { /* ... */ }

or - typically better still - a const reference:

catch (const base_class& e) { /* ... */ }

Most handlers do not modify their exception and in general we (recommend use of const).


Catch by value can be appropriate for a small value type such as an enum value.


To rethrow a caught exception use throw; not throw e;. Using throw e; would throw a new copy of e (sliced to the static type std::exception) instead of rethrowing the original exception of type std::runtime_error. (But keep ((Don't try to catch every exception in every function) and Minimize the use of explicit try/catch) in mind.)

  • Flag catching by value of a type that has a virtual function.
  • Flag throwing raw pointers.

E.16: Destructors, deallocation, swap, and exception type copy/move construction must never fail


We don't know how to write reliable programs if a destructor, a swap, a memory deallocation, or attempting to copy/move-construct an exception object fails; that is, if it exits by an exception or simply doesn't perform its required action.

Example, don't
class Connection {
// ...
~Connection() // Don't: very bad destructor
if (cannot_disconnect()) throw I_give_up{information};
// ...

Many have tried to write reliable code violating this rule for examples, such as a network connection that "refuses to close". To the best of our knowledge nobody has found a general way of doing this. Occasionally, for very specific examples, you can get away with setting some state for future cleanup. For example, we might put a socket that does not want to close on a "bad socket" list, to be examined by a regular sweep of the system state. Every example we have seen of this is error-prone, specialized, and often buggy.


The standard library assumes that destructors, deallocation functions (e.g., operator delete), and swap do not throw. If they do, basic standard-library invariants are broken.

  • Deallocation functions, including operator delete, must be noexcept.
  • swap functions must be noexcept.
  • Most destructors are implicitly noexcept by default.
  • Also, (make move operations noexcept).
  • If writing a type intended to be used as an exception type, ensure its copy constructor is not noexcept. In general we cannot mechanically enforce this, because we do not know whether a type is intended to be used as an exception type.
  • Try not to throw a type whose copy constructor is not noexcept. In general we cannot mechanically enforce this, because even throw std::string(...) could throw but does not in practice.
  • Catch destructors, deallocation operations, and swaps that throw.
  • Catch such operations that are not noexcept.

See also: (discussion)

E.17: Don't try to catch every exception in every function


Catching an exception in a function that cannot take a meaningful recovery action leads to complexity and waste. Let an exception propagate until it reaches a function that can handle it. Let cleanup actions on the unwinding path be handled by (RAII).

Example, don't
void f() // bad
try {
// ...
catch (...) {
// no action
throw; // propagate exception
  • Flag nested try-blocks.
  • Flag source code files with a too high ratio of try-blocks to functions. (??? Problem: define "too high")

E.18: Minimize the use of explicit try/catch


try/catch is verbose and non-trivial uses are error-prone. try/catch can be a sign of unsystematic and/or low-level resource management or error handling.

Example, Bad
void f(zstring s)
Gadget* p;
try {
p = new Gadget(s);
// ...
delete p;
catch (Gadget_construction_failure) {
delete p;

This code is messy. There could be a leak from the naked pointer in the try block. Not all exceptions are handled. deleting an object that failed to construct is almost certainly a mistake. Better:

void f2(zstring s)
Gadget g {s};

??? hard, needs a heuristic

E.19: Use a final_action object to express cleanup if no suitable resource handle is available


finally from the (GSL) is less verbose and harder to get wrong than try/catch.

void f(int n)
void* p = malloc(n);
auto _ = gsl::finally([p] { free(p); });
// ...

finally is not as messy as try/catch, but it is still ad-hoc. Prefer (proper resource management objects). Consider finally a last resort.


Use of finally is a systematic and reasonably clean alternative to the old (goto exit; technique) for dealing with cleanup where resource management is not systematic.


Heuristic: Detect goto exit;

E.25: If you can't throw exceptions, simulate RAII for resource management


Even without exceptions, (RAII) is usually the best and most systematic way of dealing with resources.


Error handling using exceptions is the only complete and systematic way of handling non-local errors in C++. In particular, non-intrusively signaling failure to construct an object requires an exception. Signaling errors in a way that cannot be ignored requires exceptions. If you can't use exceptions, simulate their use as best you can.

A lot of fear of exceptions is misguided. When used for exceptional circumstances in code that is not littered with pointers and complicated control structures, exception handling is almost always affordable (in time and space) and almost always leads to better code. This, of course, assumes a good implementation of the exception handling mechanisms, which is not available on all systems. There are also cases where the problems above do not apply, but exceptions cannot be used for other reasons. Some hard-real-time systems are an example: An operation has to be completed within a fixed time with an error or a correct answer. In the absence of appropriate time estimation tools, this is hard to guarantee for exceptions. Such systems (e.g. flight control software) typically also ban the use of dynamic (heap) memory.

So, the primary guideline for error handling is "use exceptions and (RAII)." This section deals with the cases where you either do not have an efficient implementation of exceptions, or have such a rat's nest of old-style code (e.g., lots of pointers, ill-defined ownership, and lots of unsystematic error handling based on tests of error codes) that it is infeasible to introduce simple and systematic exception handling.

Before condemning exceptions or complaining too much about their cost, consider examples of the use of (error codes). Consider the cost and complexity of the use of error codes. If performance is your worry, measure.


Assume you wanted to write

void func(zstring arg)
Gadget g {arg};
// ...

If the gadget isn't correctly constructed, func exits with an exception. If we cannot throw an exception, we can simulate this RAII style of resource handling by adding a valid() member function to Gadget:

error_indicator func(zstring arg)
Gadget g {arg};
if (!g.valid()) return gadget_construction_error;
// ...
return 0; // zero indicates "good"

The problem is of course that the caller now has to remember to test the return value. To encourage doing so, consider adding a [[nodiscard]].

See also: Discussion


Possible (only) for specific versions of this idea: e.g., test for systematic test of valid() after resource handle construction

E.26: If you can't throw exceptions, consider failing fast


If you can't do a good job at recovering, at least you can get out before too much consequential damage is done.

See also: (Simulating RAII)


If you cannot be systematic about error handling, consider "crashing" as a response to any error that cannot be handled locally. That is, if you cannot recover from an error in the context of the function that detected it, call abort(), quick_exit(), or a similar function that will trigger some sort of system restart.

In systems where you have lots of processes and/or lots of computers, you need to expect and handle fatal crashes anyway, say from hardware failures. In such cases, "crashing" is simply leaving error handling to the next level of the system.

void f(int n)
// ...
p = static_cast<X*>(malloc(n * sizeof(X)));
if (!p) abort(); // abort if memory is exhausted
// ...

Most programs cannot handle memory exhaustion gracefully anyway. This is roughly equivalent to

void f(int n)
// ...
p = new X[n]; // throw if memory is exhausted (by default, terminate)
// ...

Typically, it is a good idea to log the reason for the "crash" before exiting.



E.27: If you can't throw exceptions, use error codes systematically


Systematic use of any error-handling strategy minimizes the chance of forgetting to handle an error.

See also: (Simulating RAII)


There are several issues to be addressed:

  • How do you transmit an error indicator from out of a function?
  • How do you release all resources from a function before doing an error exit?
  • What do you use as an error indicator?

In general, returning an error indicator implies returning two values: The result and an error indicator. The error indicator can be part of the object, e.g. an object can have a valid() indicator or a pair of values can be returned.

Gadget make_gadget(int n)
// ...
void user()
Gadget g = make_gadget(17);
if (!g.valid()) {
// error handling
// ...

This approach fits with (simulated RAII resource management). The valid() function could return an error_indicator (e.g. a member of an error_indicator enumeration).


What if we cannot or do not want to modify the Gadget type? In that case, we must return a pair of values. For example:

std::pair<Gadget, error_indicator> make_gadget(int n)
// ...
void user()
auto r = make_gadget(17);
if (!r.second) {
// error handling
Gadget& g = r.first;
// ...

As shown, std::pair is a possible return type. Some people prefer a specific type. For example:

Gval make_gadget(int n)
// ...
void user()
auto r = make_gadget(17);
if (!r.err) {
// error handling
Gadget& g = r.val;
// ...

One reason to prefer a specific return type is to have names for its members, rather than the somewhat cryptic first and second and to avoid confusion with other uses of std::pair.


In general, you must clean up before an error exit. This can be messy:

std::pair<int, error_indicator> user()
Gadget g1 = make_gadget(17);
if (!g1.valid()) {
return {0, g1_error};
Gadget g2 = make_gadget(31);
if (!g2.valid()) {
return {0, g2_error};
// ...
if (all_foobar(g1, g2)) {
return {0, foobar_error};
// ...
return {res, 0};

Simulating RAII can be non-trivial, especially in functions with multiple resources and multiple possible errors. A not uncommon technique is to gather cleanup at the end of the function to avoid repetition (note that the extra scope around g2 is undesirable but necessary to make the goto version compile):

std::pair<int, error_indicator> user()
error_indicator err = 0;
int res = 0;
Gadget g1 = make_gadget(17);
if (!g1.valid()) {
err = g1_error;
goto g1_exit;
Gadget g2 = make_gadget(31);
if (!g2.valid()) {
err = g2_error;
goto g2_exit;
if (all_foobar(g1, g2)) {
err = foobar_error;
goto g2_exit;
// ...
if (g2.valid()) cleanup(g2);
if (g1.valid()) cleanup(g1);
return {res, err};

The larger the function, the more tempting this technique becomes. finally can (ease the pain a bit). Also, the larger the program becomes the harder it is to apply an error-indicator-based error-handling strategy systematically.

We ((prefer exception-based error handling) and recommend keeping functions short).

See also: Discussion

See also: (Returning multiple values)



E.28: Avoid error handling based on global state (e.g. errno)


Global state is hard to manage and it is easy to forget to check it. When did you last test the return value of printf()?

See also: (Simulating RAII)

Example, bad
int last_err;
void f(int n)
// ...
p = static_cast<X*>(malloc(n * sizeof(X)));
if (!p) last_err = -1; // error if memory is exhausted
// ...

C-style error handling is based on the global variable errno, so it is essentially impossible to avoid this style completely.



E.30: Don't use exception specifications


Exception specifications make error handling brittle, impose a run-time cost, and have been removed from the C++ standard.

int use(int arg)
throw(X, Y)
// ...
auto x = f(arg);
// ...

If f() throws an exception different from X and Y the unexpected handler is invoked, which by default terminates. That's OK, but say that we have checked that this cannot happen and f is changed to throw a new exception Z, we now have a crash on our hands unless we change use() (and re-test everything). The snag is that f() might be in a library we do not control and the new exception is not anything that use() can do anything about or is in any way interested in. We can change use() to pass Z through, but now use()'s callers probably need to be modified. This quickly becomes unmanageable. Alternatively, we can add a try-catch to use() to map Z into an acceptable exception. This too, quickly becomes unmanageable. Note that changes to the set of exceptions often happens at the lowest level of a system (e.g., because of changes to a network library or some middleware), so changes "bubble up" through long call chains. In a large code base, this could mean that nobody could update to a new version of a library until the last user was modified. If use() is part of a library, it might not be possible to update it because a change could affect unknown clients.

The policy of letting exceptions propagate until they reach a function that potentially can handle it has proven itself over the years.


No. This would not be any better had exception specifications been statically enforced. For example, see (Stroustrup94).


If no exception can be thrown, use (noexcept).


Flag every exception specification.

E.31: Properly order your catch-clauses


catch-clauses are evaluated in the order they appear and one clause can hide another.

Example, bad
void f()
// ...
try {
// ...
catch (Base& b) { /* ... */ }
catch (Derived& d) { /* ... */ }
catch (...) { /* ... */ }
catch (std::exception& e) { /* ... */ }

If Derivedis derived from Base the Derived-handler will never be invoked. The "catch everything" handler ensured that the std::exception-handler will never be invoked.


Flag all "hiding handlers".